Weekly Newsletter

February 3, 2025 Weekly Newsletter


1. Principal Cohen's Message, Invitation to Open House (2/3) and School Site Council (2/5)
2. Staff Spotlight: Frangina Spandau, Natalia Alvarado, Carlos Estrada and Ross Melczer

3. LGBTQIA+ 101 Parent Zoom Workshop, this Sunday, 5PM
4. Alternative Education Programs Open House, Monday 5:30PM, La Cuesta High School
5. Grupo Colebri, mental health Parent Support Group in Spanish, Wednesday, 7PM
6. Harriet Miller Youth Leadership $750 Scholarship for community service, due Feb 5.
7. SBPL Teen Art Workshop, Friday, 4PM, Central Library
8. 211 Community Resource Day, Saturday, 11-5PM, Warren Warren Showgrounds
9.  CalSOAP Cash4 College Workshops in February
10. Many volunteer opportunities


Work Permits & Community Service

If you have questions about the Application process, or need help obtaining your Work Permit, please contact Alejandro Juarez at ajuarez@sbunified.org or Carmelita Cuellar at carmelitacuellar@sbunified.org (link to application)

To receive a high school diploma, a minimum of 60 hours must be completed and turned into the Career Center by May 30 or May 2 for the Community Service Excellence Award (minimum 200 hours). All service must be documented and have the required signatures on the Community Service Verification Form.