Dual Enrollment
Students: What do I need to do to enroll in a dual enrollment class at SBCC?
- Apply to the SBCC
- Read through SBCC's application guide to answer application questions accurately
- Complete your Dual Enrollment Approval Form paper form here.
- Hints: You will need student K#
- Parent signature
- Student Signature
- Approval signature from a counselor or administrator at our Main Office at 710 Santa Barbara St (La Cuesta High School)
- This form is required each semester
- Forms to be turned into the Admissions and Records window in the Student Services building at SBCC 721 Cliff Drive
What do I do once I have been approved?
- To register for classes, go to Pipeline
- Go to "First time logging in"
- retrieve your username and password HINT: you will need to know the last four digits of your social security number or your CCCID Where is my CCCID? Click here for the registration guide.
How do I know if I am registered?
- Check your SBCC email account "Pipeline"
- Do I have to Pay? Dual enrollment students that have lived California for at least one year do not pay enrollment fees if you enroll in less than 12 units.
- For classes at the main campus, you pay: mandatory health, transportation, and student rep fees apply. Click here for fee information.
- You do not have to pay fees for online classes. Book and supply costs vary per class.
Additional resources and Help:
- For Help: Email College and Career Technician, Carmen Cuellar at: carmelitacuellar
@sbunified.org - Go to the SBCC Dual Enrollment Website: http://www.sbcc.edu/dualenrollment/applyandregister.php