Middle College

Alta Vista - Middle College at SBCC

In collaboration with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), the Middle College program offers students an opportunity to complete their high school graduation requirements through a combination of SBCC dual enrollment courses and SBUSD independent study courses.

Middle College is a partnership between Alta Visa Alternative High School and SBCC designed to help students develop the variety of skills they will need to succeed in college and in life.  As a hybrid high school/college program, Middle College teaches students to critically think, creatively problem solve, manage their time to meet deadlines, self-advocate, take initiative and be resourceful. The high school component of Middle College offers students an integrated  independent study curriculum based on current events that is reviewed and evaluated during weekly student-teacher meetings. These weekly meetings allow students to build a positive one-on-one relationship with their teacher who provides academic and personal guidance and support through graduation and the transition to college. In addition to the high school component, Middle College students simultaneously enroll in 1-3 SBCC courses in order to explore their interests and potential majors/careers. Many students in Middle College graduate from high school with about one year of college coursework complete, saving time and money. After graduating from high school, students may continue on at SBCC through The Promise or attend a four-year university.

Enrollment for Winter 2025 - Middle College Program

We are currently enrolling new students for Winter 2025.  If you are interested in enrolling, or getting more information about the Middle College Program, please review the "Steps to Enrollment" below.

All interested students and parents, please attend the informational presentation: Tuesday, November 12 at 6 pm in room A-160 on the SBCC campus.

Steps to Enrollment:

  1. Review the following 
    1. Middle College FAQ sheet (English / Spanish)
    2. Middle College Information Meeting Slideshow Presentation
    3. MC Student Perspectives Slides
    4. MC Alumni Perspectives Video (English / Español)
  2. Complete the MC Student Application.

Documents needed for 1:1 Meeting:

  • Your unofficial high school transcript
  • List of SBCC classes that interest you
  • Your 504 plan / IEP (if this applies to you)

If you have any questions, or need assistance scheduling your appointment, please contact Regina Freking at rfreking@sbunified.org